在很久很久以前的歲月裡🕤,曾經有一群跟你們一樣充滿活力的年輕生命,在這個社會上辛勤工作。隨著時間飛逝⏳,他們如今已經走進退休的歲月,成為我們尊敬的長者。同學們,如今是時候了!就在這個感恩節前夕🙌🏻,讓我們一起到訪Golden Age Village 🏡跟一班長者們一起同樂,帶給他們最美好的祝福✨與老人們一同享受又輕鬆又愉快的一小時,一起樂也融融!🤗
時間:下午 3:00PM – 4:00PM (集合時間2:00PM)
地點:234 N. Rural Dr. Monterey Park, CA 91755
1. 學生責任聲明表將以電子形式在活動前發送給大家,請學生在家長簽署後在活動前遞交給我們。謝謝!
2. 義工時數証明將會於是次長者公寓志願社區服務結束後一星期內發送到閣下的電郵中。
3. 為確保長者身體健康,若您有發燒或感冒症狀,敬請提前通知我們,並請留在家中。
4. 貼心提醒:當日請務必穿戴整齊,勿穿短褲及拖鞋入場。
In the distant past 🕤, there was a group of young souls full of vitality, much like yourselves, who worked diligently in society. As time flew by ⏳, they have now entered the retirement years, becoming our respected elders. Dear students, the time has come! As we come close to Thanksgiving 🙌🏻, let’s visit the Golden Age Village 🏡 and share joyful moments with a group of seniors, bringing them our warmest blessings ✨.
Let us spend a delightful hour with the elderly, creating moments of joy and togetherness! 🤗
Activities: Mini-games 🎯, sharing good songs 🎵, tea time 🍵, and small gift giveaways 🎁. Cost: Free 🆓
Date: 10/30/2023 (Monday)
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Call time: 2:00 PM)
Location: 234 N. Rural Dr. Monterey Park, CA 91755
For those interested, please quickly fill out the registration form 📝!
*Please note📢
1. The student liability form will be sent out electronically before the event; students are required to submit it with parent signature before the activity. Thank you!
2. Certification of volunteer hours will be sent to your email within one week after the conclusion of this senior apartment volunteer community service.
3. To ensure the well-being of the elderly, please notify us in advance if you experience symptoms such as fever or a cold, and kindly remain at home.
4. Kind reminder: Please dress neatly on the day and do not wear shorts or slippers during the event.